Animal ID A4983933
Adoption fee See an ACC Staff Member
Age 2 years
Sex Male
Weight 58
Arrived 07/23/2024
Location FOSTER Contact: or 602-506-6274
Level P
About me Hi! Staff are still getting to know me. However, I want to get to know YOU! My adoption fee is quite the deal! Not only do you get my unconditional love and a new BFF, it includes my spay/neuter surgery, vaccinations, microchip, and even some cool coupons! Why wait? Come meet me today!
07/16/2024 FROM FOSTER: Over the last week, Rocky settled in nicely in our quiet home, with two adults. He bonded quickly, and is very affilliative with us both. He's still recovering and decompressing. He has slept well in his crate at night and when we aren't home. He seems to be potty trained when given access to outside -- he will stand by our back door to tell us he wants to go into the yard to use the bathroom, and likes to go out directly after a meal. seems to be nervous around children. |
07/10/2024 From Foster: Rocky has been doing well! Lots of rest, quiet time, and snuggles. He's still working through his cold and meds, but seems alert, is eating, etc. |
07/03/2024 Soft body allowed leash placement and staff to muzzle wrap and give DA2PP booster vaccine and easy to put in kennel. |
07/02/2024 Solicited attentions, Easy to pull from kennel, Easy to return to kennel, Calm, Somewhat Pulls on Leash, Takes treats nicely, |
06/29/2024 In back of kennel, coughing. Would not come inside for morning cleaning. |
06/28/2024 Solicited attentions, Easy to pull from kennel, Easy to return to kennel, Calm, Easy/Loose Leash, Appeared interested when walking past kennels, |
06/24/2024 Based on kennel presence and intake notes, making adoptable at intake level (when hold is cleared) |
06/19/2024 Intake: Brought onto ramp by leash, soft body, allowed all handling, vaccinated with light restraint, taken to kennel by leash, jumps all over handler. |
06/19/2024 Brought onto ramp by leash, soft body, allowed all handling, vaccinated with light restraint, taken to kennel by leash, jumps all over handler. |
07/08/2024 07/08/24 15:31 QAR, BCS 5/9. OPHTHO - OU no ocular discharge, no blepharospasm. RESP - eupnic; coughing; mildly crusted L/R nares; bilateral mucoid nasal discharge. GI - poor appetite. A: Ddx. CIRDC P: 1. Continue treatment as prescribed. 2. LRS - 400mls SQ SID x 4 days. nhilde 07/08/24 16:31 Addendum. Dog was observed readily eating dry kibble. nhilde |
07/08/2024 07/08/24 16:41 Rabies vaccine 1.0ml SQ, R lateral hip, administered by ___SW_.Supervising veterinarian NH |
07/08/2024 ZOETIS SUBQ 717316 |
07/07/2024 07/07/24 14:20 QAR, BCS 4.5/9. OPHTHO - OU no ocular discharge, no blepharospasm. RESP - eupnic; coughing; bilateral mixed thin mucoid/ serous nasal discharge. GI - good appetite. A: Ddx. CIRDC P: 1. Continue treatment with doxycycline as prescribed. 2. Enrofloxacin (136mg tablet) - 1 tablet PO SID x 7 days. nhilde |
07/05/2024 07/05/24 15:48 BAR, BCS 5/9. OPHTHO - OU no ocular discharge, no blepharospasm. RESP - eupnic; coughing; sneezing; bilateral thin mucoid nasal discharge. GI - great appetite. A: Ddx. CIRDC P: Continue treatment as prescribed. nhilde |
07/03/2024 07/03/24 14:54 Patient has no appetite and is QAR in kennel. Mucoid crust on nares. Adding in subcutaneous fluids to aid in appetite, continue other current treatments and plan to move to S iso. RX: LRS 400mL SC once |
07/03/2024 DA2PP vaccine SQ, R lateral shoulder.A.P/HD |
07/03/2024 DA2PP SUBQ |
07/01/2024 07/01/24 07:14 Noted during am vet rounds. Abbreviated exam d/t contagious upper respiratory diseases (ie. CDV) at MCACC. QAR, BCS 5/9. OPHTHO - OU clear, no ocular discharge or blepharospasm. RESP – eupnic; coughing; crusted L/R nares; bilateral thin mucoid nasal discharge. A: Ddx. CIRDC (r/o bacterial, viral, fungal). P: 1. Continue treatment with doxycycline and enrofloxacin as prescribed. 2. Offer canned food daily to encourage appetite. nhilde |
06/29/2024 06/29/24 11:03 Noted on kennel walkthrough. Patient is QAR with poor appetite. No ocular discharge. Mild mucoid nasal discharge. Frequent coughing. No sneezing. Slightly increased respiratory rate with normal effort. Patient has received numerous doses of doxycycline at this point and CIRDC symptoms are affecting respiration/attitude; would like to add on enrofloxacin to treatment plan at this time. Moving patient to S isolation for additional treatments/monitoring. RX: - enrofloxacin: 5mg/kg PO q24h x 7d - LRS 400mL SC q24h x 2d |
06/26/2024 06/26/24 14:40 Limited visual examination due to infectious disease concerns. Noted on kennel walkthrough. S/O: Gen - QAR, BCS 5/9, decreased appetite, piles of phlegm in kennel EENT - No ocular discharge. Serous nasal discharge. RESP - No stertor or stridor. Intermittent coughing. No sneezing. Normal respiratory rate and effort. GI - No significant findings. A: - Signs of CIRDC noted upon exam. Likely viral etiology with secondary bacterial component. P: - Isolate for treatment. - Start doxycycline 10mg/kg PO q24h x 14d - Recheck at 14 days or sooner if concerns arise - Medically OTBA |
06/19/2024 Mylar in sleeve -692 No testicles seen -692 |
06/19/2024 BORDETELLA IN |
06/19/2024 DA2PP SUBQ |