Animal ID A5078069
Adoption fee $25
Age 8 years
Sex Male
Weight 62
Arrived 09/21/2024
Location East Kennel, Wing B - 181
Level G
About me Hi! Staff are still getting to know me. However, I want to get to know YOU! My adoption fee is quite the deal! Not only do you get my unconditional love and a new BFF, it includes my spay/neuter surgery, vaccinations, microchip, and even some cool coupons! Why wait? Come meet me today!
11/02/2024 Out for meet and greet |
10/25/2024 , HOPE WHISPERS |
10/23/2024 Called to back from front; easily leashed; walked loose leash to yard; wandered around a bit adn urinated/ defecated then came to solicit attention; mostly spent time exploring yard; loose leash to kennel; non-reactive when passing other kennels; easy return |
10/21/2024 Per vol: Calm, easy leash and walk to yard; liked pets and came to handler for them at times; did not want treats or hot dogs; marked frequently; would grunt when sniffing; explored yard but checked in with jacket several times; calm, sweet and gentle, not reactive at any time; easy return |
10/08/2024 Easy to pull from kennel, Easy to return to kennel, Calm, Easy/Loose Leash, Not interested in treats, Ignored dogs when walking past kennels, Attended mutt manners before staff informed us of sick note. Room and yard were cleaned and dog was returned to kennel. |
10/01/2024 Stiff body, Avoidant, Difficult to pull from kennel, Moderate to return to kennel, Timid, Somewhat Pulls on Leash, Stop and go, Not interested in toys, Not interested in treats, Ignored dogs when walking past kennels, |
09/28/2024 out for m&G |
09/25/2024 OK to PUFA based off of intake and kennel presence |
09/21/2024 Intake: stop and go on leash, soft body, allowed all handling with light restraint, stop and go on leash to kennel |
09/21/2024 stop and go on leash, soft body, allowed all handling with light restraint, stop and go on leash to kennel |
09/21/2024 How long have you had the animal? 6 days Has the animal been around other animals? What kind of animals? How would you describe the interaction with other animals? curious at cat Was the animal around any other people or children? If yes, how would you describe the animals behavior towards other people/children? no Has the animal shown any aggression around other people? Might want to include a few examples of what aggression looks like. Barking, growling, lunging, etc.? If yes, what were the circumstances? no Did you keep the animal inside or outside? inside If inside, did you keep the animal in a crate or allowed to roam? Was the animal destructive in any way? roam If outside, what kind of fencing do you have and did it contain the animal? n/a Did the animal show any aggression, like **growling, curling their lips, lunging** around food, toys, or bones? no Has the animal shown any signs of illness? no Does the animal walk on a leash? timid |
09/21/2024 09/21/24 14:37 skrawiec A5078069 A5078390 |
10/30/2024 Canine Neuter Pre-operative Examination, performed by DRA:(Midwestern Student) Pre-op tech:sp T: 102.1°F HR: 140bpm RR: 40brpm General Appearance: BAR Respiratory: NSF Cardio: NSF Repro/Urogenital: NSF Derm: NSF Ears: NSF Eyes: ABN-Red mm Nervous: NSF M/S: NSF Dental: ABN-class 2 malocclusion(overbite), fractured 102, 202, 304 at apex, worn incisors-no tx at this time GI: NSF L/N: NSF BCS: 5/9 Dental grade:2/4 Observations during pre-op/procedure: See above Treatments: Pyrantel pamoate (50 mg/ml) 6.5ml PO administered once pre-op. Carprofen (50 mg/ml) 2.4 ml SQ administered once pre-op. Rabies vaccine SQ, R lateral hip, administered by TJS.(Midwestern DVM) Implanted microchip SQ, # 985141007640596. Placement confirmed via microchip scanner. Induction & Prep Tech Initials jp/sp Anesthesia: Induced with TTDex (5 ml cake 100 mg/ml Telazol to 2.5 ml 10 mg/ml Butorphanol + 2.5 ml 0.50 mg/ml Dexmedetomidine) 0.55 ml IM at 0911 Intubated at 0914 with 10.5-size ET tube Maintained on Isoflurane and Oxygen. Anesthesia End Time: 0958 Anesthesia Tech Initials: DRA(Midwestern Student) Recovery Tech Initials: AB(Midwestern Technician) Monitoring: Time: 0914 T101.6 °F; HR 120 bpm; RR 20 brpm Time: 0930 T 100.9 °F; HR 96 bpm; RR 15 brpm Time: 0945 T 100.4°F; HR 91 bpm; RR 15 brpm End Recovery Time: 1008 T 101.4 °F; HR 70 bpm; RR 20 brpm Uneventful recovery. Surgery – Canine Orchiectomy (Neuter), performed by MMV:(Midwestern Student) Pre-scrotal incision made with no. 15 blade. Closed technique, single ligation of spermatic cords with strangle knots using 2/0 Webmax. 2-layer closure: SQ layer closed with simple continuous sutures, continuing into continuous intradermal using 2/0 Webmax. Green tattoo etched. Applied tissue adhesive over pre-scrotal incision and tattoo. Rx and/or Post-op recommendations: Recommend follow up with primary veterinarian regarding overall health, baseline bloodwork, and preventative care. Entering Tech Initials: jp |
10/30/2024 DOG NEUTER |
10/30/2024 TATTOO |
10/30/2024 ZOETIS SUBQ 717316 |
10/22/2024 10/22/24 15:27 14d post-doxycycline therapy recheck. Patient is BAR with good appetite. Patient has no nasal discharge, no ocular discharge, normal respiratory rate and effort, no coughing, no sneezing. No active CIRDC symptoms. Okay to move out of isolation and conclude therapy as previously prescribed. |
10/08/2024 10/08/24 16:47 Limited visual examination due to infectious disease concerns. Noted on kennel walkthrough. S/O: Gen - QAR, decreased appetite EENT - No ocular discharge. Serous nasal discharge. RESP - No stertor or stridor. No coughing. Intermittent sneezing. Normal respiratory rate and effort. GI - No significant findings. A: - Signs of CIRDC noted upon exam. Likely viral etiology with secondary bacterial component. P: - Isolate for treatment. - Start doxycycline 10mg/kg PO q24h x 14d - add wet food to diet - Recheck at 14 days or sooner if concerns arise - Medically okay to PUFA |
10/05/2024 Nobivac Canine 1-DAPPv, manufactured by Merck, Serial number: _02121A77C__ administered SQ, R lateral shoulder. KK/SK 10/05/24 09:49 |
10/05/2024 DA2PP SUBQ |
09/21/2024 Nobivac Canine 1-DAPPv, manufactured by Merck, Serial number: 02121A76B administered SQ, R lateral shoulder. Nobivac Intra-Trac3, manufactured by Merck, Serial number: 00541498 administered IN intact male mylar on dog |
09/21/2024 DA2PP SUBQ |
09/21/2024 BORDETELLA IN |
09/21/2024 MICRO SCAN |