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Animal ID A5124908



Weight 37.2

Age 2Y 1M

Sex Male

Kennel West Kennel, Wing C - 065

Intake Date 2/19/2025

Due Out 2/22/2025

Deadline Date 3/25/2025

No requirements
No recommendations

    3/20/2025 03/20/25 15:27 Canine is showing inconsistent and defensive behaviors towards handling in the shelter, also noted with finder, needing placement with a New Hope Partner who can provide needed behavioral support by close of business 3/25/25. May be at risk for euthanasia 3/26/25 or sooner if warranted.



Per finders call: "Caller states dog is running in neighborhood when she approached dog snapped at her, dog is near her home"

Evaluation Comments (Observations from our staff and volunteers)

3/25/2025 Laying in front of kennel, neutral. Sniffed handlers hand.

3/24/2025 Laying outside looking in through divider

3/23/2025 PM ROUNDS: Laying in back half of kennel, came to front of kennel, sniffed handlers flat hand then took a step back & started to lick lips

3/22/2025 Laying down, sprawled out on kennel floor.

3/21/2025 PM ROUNDS: lip curling & low growling

3/16/2025 Approached handler, body neutral, easy to leash, reared back when feeling light leash pressure but settled quickly. Exited kennel, no issues on the way to yard, showed no interest in other dogs. In yard canine eventually approached handler, soft body, high wagging tail, took treats gently, skin crawled when petting canine's back but leaned into handler's legs and allowed petting all over. When people or other dogs were walking by yard canine followed along fence, tail flagged, eventually lost interest and returned to handler. No issues on the way back, once returned handler attempted to remove leash by hand, canine air snapped, used clip leash instead.

3/15/2025 Crying, demand barking, wouldn't settle.

3/14/2025 Placing orange card due to volunteer notes. Per vol. canine was taking treats gently from handler, placed paws on storage container in I yard handler was able to scratch canine along the cheek/neck area, after some time canine air snapped at handler,ended interaction walked back to kennel, left leash as a precaution.

3/14/2025 Dog sat at kennel door. Handler opened door and presented leash. Dog ducked leash several times. Handler used high value treat to coax through leash. Moderate pull to play yard. Dog explored yard for several minutes then approached handler with soft body. Handler gave treats which were taken gently. Dog knows “sit”. Dog placed paws on storage container. Handler pet sides and then around cheeks for about a minute. Then dog air snapped at handler’s hand. Handler stood up. Dog explored yard for a few more minutes. Handler grabbed leash while dog was distracted then walked dog to kennel. Did not apply clip leash. Left leash on dog and picked up leash off kennel floor about an hour later.

3/4/2025 , ducks leash, in yard avoidant initially spends significant time exploring, doesn't come to me, finally comes for brief pets, has brief moments initiating play but then stops. ignores other dogs. not interested in treats. difficulty retrieving leash on rtn, use clip leash.

2/28/2025 still had kibble from previous day

2/26/2025 Dog was at front of kennel. Still body. Took treats gently. Allowed for easy leashing. Pushed out of kennel. Moderate pull. In yard, dog explored independently. Not interested in treats or verbal coaxing. Continued exploring. After several moments, dog approached handler placed front paws on handler's lap. Allowed handler to gently get off. Went back to exploring. Allowed handler to approach offered treats not interested. Allowed handler to slowly pet. Picked leash up. Dog followed handler to kennel door. Exited. Moderate pull. Entered kennel. Allowed slow leash removal. Did flinch when removing leashing and jerked head away.

2/22/2025 dog will need full evaluation

2/19/2025 ACO approached dog while dog was distracted by dogs on the other side of the fence. Dog was easily leashed, soft body, focused on dogs behind fence, unable to muzzle wrap, controlled restraint to load dog onto truck.

2/19/2025 doesn't like restraint, fixated on objects on ramp, mild restraint for vaccines, didn't take treats offered, walked to kennel on leash

Medical Treatments

3/15/2025 03/15/25 13:09 14d post-doxycycline therapy recheck. Patient is BAR with good appetite. Patient has no nasal discharge, no ocular discharge, normal respiratory rate and effort, no coughing, no sneezing. No active CIRDC symptoms. Okay to move out of isolation and conclude therapy as previously prescribed. sdecamp

3/5/2025 03/05/25 11:21 Nobivac Canine 1-DAPPv, manufactured by Merck, Serial number: 02120150 administered SQ, R lateral shoulder. AP/AGP

3/5/2025 DA2PP SUBQ

2/28/2025 02/28/25 15:29 Limited visual examination due to infectious disease concerns. Noted on kennel walkthrough. S/O: Gen - BAR, BCS 5/9, good appetite EENT - No ocular discharge. Serous nasal discharge. RESP - No stertor or stridor. No coughing. No sneezing. Normal respiratory rate and effort. GI - No significant findings. A: - Signs of CIRDC noted upon exam. Likely viral etiology with secondary bacterial component. P: - Isolate for treatment - Start doxycycline 10mg/kg PO q24h x 14d - Recheck at 14 days or sooner if concerns arise - Medically okay to PUFA

2/19/2025 02/19/25 15:09 Targeted visual exam S/O: Gen - BAR, BCS 4/9, approaches front of kennel with interest, calm EENT - Eyes clear and free of discharge/redness. Nose clean and free of discharge. External ears are free of discharge/redness. H/L/MM - Normal respiratory rate and effort. No coughing or sneezing. No stertor, no stridor. Mucous membranes pink and moist with CRT<2s INTEG - Small roughly 3mm wound on right lateral face with small amount of frank blood, no swelling noted. NEURO - Normal mentation and posture. M/S - Normal gait. No muscle atrophy or limping appreciated. A: - small abrasion P: - cefpodoxime 100mg PO q24h x 10d - medically okay to PUFA

2/19/2025 Testicles palpable with adult reproductive features, consistent with unaltered male mylar placed by 702 Nobivac Canine 1-DAPPv, manufactured by Merck, Serial number: 2120150 administered SQ, Back R leg. expiration date 1-feb-26 684 Nobivac Intra-Trac3, manufactured by Merck, Serial number: 00541512A administered IN expiration date 6-March-2026 684


2/19/2025 DA2PP SUBQ




2/19/2025 open wound on R side of face (nose area)

Bite History
No recorded bites