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Animal ID A5129353
Weight 55.0
Age 2Y 0M
Sex Female
Kennel West Kennel, Wing B - 028
Intake Date 3/5/2025
Due Out 3/8/2025
Deadline Date 3/17/2025
3/5/2025 03/10/25 15:04 Chronic otitis. If no outlet by COB on 03/12/25, is at risk for euthanasia on 03/18/25.
3/9/2025 Easy to leash; walked to main PY with a moderate pull on leash; solicited attention in PY from handler; took treats gently; appears to know "SIT" for treats; allowed all petting with no skin crawls or flinching; allowed handler to pick up leash; walked to kennel building with no issues; entered into kennel & removal of leash by hand
3/5/2025 Solicited attention, approaches officers. Allows all petting, tail tucked. Mild restraint for vaccines. Sat and took treats very gently.
3/12/2025 03/12/25 14:25 Dispensed -- Cephalexin 500 mg 1 capsule PO BID x 14 days QTY 26 start tonight DD
3/11/2025 RABIES 1 YEAR
3/11/2025 DOG SPAY
3/11/2025 Pre-operative Examination, performed by: __aj__ Pre-op tech: __gr__ T: _101.1_°F HR: _138_bpm RR: _28_brpm General Appearance: BAR Respiratory: NSF Cardio: NSF Repro/Urogenital: NSF Derm: ABN; skin infection axillary/abdomen red Ears: ABN; AD hematoma/AS infection (cleaned ears and applied osurnia AU) Eyes: NSF Nervous: NSF M/S: NSF Dental: NSF GI: NSF L/N: NSF BCS: _5_/9 Dental grade: _1_/4 Observations during pre-op/procedure: N/A Treatments: Carprofen (50 mg/ml) ___2.2_ ml SQ administered once pre-op. Nobivac 3-Rabies, manufactured by Zoetis, Serial number: __780787__ administered SQ, R lateral hip, by _jr__. Implanted microchip SQ, # ___985141008161231__. Placement confirmed via microchip scanner. Induction & Prep Tech Initials: __red/gr__ Anesthesia: Induced with TTDex (5 ml cake 100 mg/ml Telazol to 2.5 ml 10 mg/ml Butorphanol + 2.5 ml 0.50 mg/ml Dexmedetomidine) __0.5__ ml IM at __0809__ Intubated at __0850__ with __11__ -size ET tube Maintained on Isoflurane and Oxygen. Anesthesia End Time: __0902__ Anesthesia Tech Initials: ___bz/kt__ Recovery Tech Initials: _dd_____ Monitoring: Time: __0850__ T__99.9__ °F; HR __80__ bpm; RR __20__ brpm Time: __0905__ T__99.9__ °F; HR __72__ bpm; RR __16__ brpm End Recovery Time: __0917__ T__99.9__ °F; HR __84__ bpm; RR ___20_ brpm Uneventful recovery. Surgery - Canine Ovariohysterectomy (Spay), performed by: ___jr___ Ventral midline abdominal incision made with no. 15 blade. Single ligation of ovarian pedicles and single ligation of uterine stump with strangle knots using __0__ Webmax. Modified 3-layer closure: Body wall closed with cruciate sutures using ___0_ Webmax; SQ layer closed with simple continuous sutures, continuing into continuous intradermal using __0_ Webmax. Green tattoo etched. Applied tissue adhesive over abdominal incision and tattoo. Rx and/or Post-op recommendations: -- Recommend follow up with primary veterinarian regarding overall health, baseline bloodwork, and preventative care. -- Cephalexin (500mg): 1 capsule PO BID X 14 days. Dispensed 28 capsules. Entering Tech Initials: ___sw__
3/11/2025 TATTOO
3/10/2025 03/10/25 14:45 BAR BCS 4/9 MM-pink, CRT<2sec H/L-WNL, HR 60, RR 30 Otitis externa AU: both canals are erythemic with licenification and partial stenosis. Lichenfication of both pinnas. Right pinna is scarred and thickened. Ceruminous exudate AU. Otitis externa, chronic. Chronic otitis is usually secondary to other underlying condtions such as allergies/atopy or endocrine disorders. If the underlying problems are not identified and addressed, the otitis will be very difficult to treat. Clean ears, instill Osurnia AU. Due to a procedural error, original RX was not started. Due to chronic otitis and previous procedural error, extending deadline. If no outlet by COB on 03/17/24, dog is at risk for humane euthanasia on 03/18/24.
3/9/2025 shaking head; reddish tint ear discharge VET TECHNICIAN EXAM (Date: __03/09/25 15:29_____) DUE TO VET CHECK REQUEST Attitude: BAR BCS: _4/9 Ocular Discharge / Squinting: n Coughing/Sneezing: n Nasal Discharge - Mucoid / Serous: n Vomiting/Diarrhea: n Appetite: Good Other Notes of Concern / Observations: AD swollen/ red bz
3/5/2025 Mylar placed by 704 No tattoo or no scar seen with adult mammary and vulvar development, consistent with unaltered female Nobivac Canine 1-DAPPv, manufactured by Merck, Serial number: 02120150 administered SQ, R lateral shoulder. 704 Nobivac Intra-Trac3, manufactured by Merck, Serial number: 00541512A administered 704
3/5/2025 DA2PP SUBQ
3/5/2025 Inflamed right ear
3/5/2025 03/05/25 15:00 BAR BCS 5/9 No oral exam. H/L-wnl, HR 60, RR 30 ABD-WNL M/S-WNL Eyes-WNL Ears-erythema and lichenification AU. Right pinna is scarred, disfigured and thickened. Urogenital-WNL Assessment: Intact, adult female with chronic otitis. Start Cephalexin 500mg po bid x 7d. Place dog on portal, urgent medical. If no outlet by COB on 03/12/25, is at risk for humane euthanasia on 03/13/25.